Dry Ice Fog Bubbles

Here on EveryChusDay, we’ve never managed to settle on a niche topic for our blog and YouTube channel, and every month we’ve just ended up picking one random fun activity to cover that the kids have enjoyed. Interestingly, our most popular video by far has been “How to Make Super Awesome Bubble Mix” – possibly because it really is a great recipe! And even though we haven’t blogged about bubbles in over a year, we do mix up a batch of that stuff now and again, usually to do giant bubbles on the beach. But this month, we revisited our love of bubbles when we discovered a local ice cream store that had a chestful of dry-ice for sale… and we couldn’t resist bringing a couple of bricks home for some smokin’-cold fog-bubble fun. Here’s the video!

Once you get the dry-ice smoking away, fog-filled bubbles are easy to make and extremely satisfying to pop!

Miss Chu demonstrates how to serve up dry-ice bubbles 3 ways:

The fog-bubble brain


The giant bubble dome


The bubble ice cream…


…which did not taste good!


Little Miss got her own mini bowl to play with and enjoyed releasing “the smoke from the volcano” by laying a bubble wand on the dome and using a dry finger to pop the bubble at the hole.

Despite our tropical climate, the dry ice lasted surprisingly well wrapped in newspaper in a styrofoam box, and we even had some leftover to play with the next day. If you’d like to have a go, make sure to store your dry ice in a loose-lidded insulating container, as the gas build up from sublimation could cause a sealed box to explode. Also, take care when handling the dry ice (use thick gloves and/or tongs), as it’s apparently cold enough to burn skin. Although the man who sold it to us took it out of the chest freezer with his bare hands!

And lastly, here are some instructions to make the fog bubble blowing contraption!

Check out the video to see this fun fog-bubble-blowing bottle in action! Happy bubbling!



  1. So cool!, do we enjoy your videos.

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